Since the introduction of the new mart board initiative earlier this year, there have been indexes displayed on over 32,000 animals in 68 locations throughout the country.The mart boards provide real-time information on animals for sale thus allowing farmers ringside in marts to view the ICBF Euro-Star ratings for beef breeding stock and also EBIs for dairy stock.
There are currently 68 marts displaying Euro-Star/EBI figures on animals. A total of 32,267 animals have had evaluations displayed on the mart boards since they rolled out earlier this year. The installation of these mart boards is still an on going process so there will be more marts displaying figures in the future. In order for animals to have figures displayed on the mart boards they must:
- Reside in a herd that is currently taking part in the Beef, Data and Genomics Programme or a herd who is currently subscribed to ICBF’s subscription service ‘HerdPlus‘
- They must have an index that is above average for EBI (€69) or for beef animals they must be either 4 or 5 stars on either within or across breed stars
Over 3.2K new HerdPlus Members
In 2016 HerdPlus membership has exceeded 23,000 dairy and beef herd members. This is a year on year increase of over 3,200 members. In 2015 year end there were 19,905 HerdPlus members. This figure currently stands at 23,185. These herd owners have access to a wide range of valuable breeding information which can be used to breed more profitable animals.