When taking hair samples as part of the genotyping process, please take 40-60 root follicles from the tail end of the animal. The root follicles should also be clean and dry. This will prevent hair samples required to be retested again, which would also delay the turnaround time of genomic results. The below images will help herd-owners on how to correctly take hair samples for genotyping.
Figure (1) is example of an ideal hair sample for genomic testing. The hairs are clean and dry and there are very clear bulb shaped roots.
Figure (2) hair sample is also suitable for genomic testing. The roots on hairs that are lighter in colour may be more difficult to see.
Figure (3) hair sample is unsuitable for genomic testing. Hairs are damp and contaminated with dirt and mould.
Figure (4) The Hair sample is unsuitable for genomic testing. Too few hairs with poor quality roots.
Figure (5). This hair sample is unsuitable for genomic testing. The hair roots have been cut off.
Figure (6) Hair sample is unsuitable for genomic testing. Distinct hooks on the end of snapped hairs.