It is possible to quickly record and retrieve data from the ICBF database by following a few short steps. Simply text us with the relevant keyword and jumbo/freezebrand to update or access vital information on the go.
Keywords for recording data:

Keyword Explanation Example
DRY Record dry-off events using jumbo/freezebrand DRY 47 246 626
SERVE Record AI serves using cow jumbo/freezebrand SERVE 212 144 FR4728.
MAST Record mastitis events using cow jumbo/freezebrand MAST 57
LAME Record incidences of lameness using jumbo/freezebrand LAME 14

Keywords for retrieving data:

Keyword Explanation Example
PASS Returns password-requires mobile number to be registered with ICBF PASS
COW Retrieve data on animal(s) using jumbo/freezebrand/AI code COW 178
EBI Retrieve the EBI data on animals using jumbo/freezebrand/AI code EBI 5 or EBI FR2248
DUE Retrieves the due date using jumbo/freezebrand DUE 42

Note: In all of the above cases the message should be sent to 089 4577663It doesn’t matter if your text is in upper or lower case. Your mobile phone number must be in our database for this service to operate. Texts at normal rate.

Use the relevant key word and cow jumbo to correctly send information directly into the ICBF database. The date that the text message is sent is the date associated with the recorded event.

Example: Recording a serve today, 28th April 2020.

SERVE 144 FR4728.

Based on this message, the database updates cow 144 as being served by FR4728 on 28th April 2020.

Top Tip: To speed up the process, save the HerdPlus number to your mobile.

Please note: Text messages should be sent from the mobile number associated with your herd number for us to link the data to the correct herd number.