The Chief Executive of the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) Sean Coughlan, has outlined that farmers will not need to change their breed choice for their suckler herd as a result of the changes being implemented to the ICBF Replacement and Terminal indexes.
“The implementation of updates to both the Terminal and Replacement beef indexes took place following a rigorous technical review process. The main driver of the changes are the updates to the farm gate prices, and updates to the costs of production, based on Teagasc research. Currently Charolais, Limousin, and Belgian Blue are the top 3 terminal breeds. This will continue to be the case after the changes“, outlined Sean Coughlan.
As part of the process to implement changes to the beef indexes, a focus group was set up to advise on how best to communicate these changes to farmers. It included representatives from breed societies, farmers, The Farmers Journal, along with Teagasc and ICBF. Regretfully, confidential information provided to that group was prematurely published in the media. This has lead to deficiencies in how the changes to the indexes have been communicated to farmers. As a result, it is fully understandable that some farmers have reacted with significant concern on how it will impact their suckler herd.
On the Terminal index (breeding animals for finishing), the changes will help drive:
- Easier calvings
- Shorter gestations
- Less calf mortality
- Heavier carcasses, with better conformation
- Earlier finishing age
- Less feed intake
- Improved TB resistance
On the Replacement index (breeding heifers for replacements), the changes will help drive:
- Easier calvings
- Shorter gestations
- Less calf mortality
- Earlier finishing age
- Less feed intake
- Improved TB resistance
- More fertile cows
- Slightly lighter cows
In relation to the new Suckler Cow Efficiency Programme (SCEP), all existing 4 and 5 star animals will remain eligible for the scheme once they remain in the farmer’s herd. Furthermore, some animals will rise from 3 star to 4 and 5 star as a result of the changes which creates even more opportunity for SCEP participants to comply with the programme requirements this year. Accordingly, no farmers will be negatively impacted from a SCEP perspective this Autumn.
ICBF CEO, Sean Coughlan continued, “No farmer will be required to change their breed of choice as a result of these changes – there is lots of variation within each of the breeds that will allow farmers to stick with their breed of choice, while also making genetic progress.”
Breeding indexes globally are regularly updated to reflect the changes in output prices and costs of production. The updates to the economic values for all traits in both beef breeding indexes better represent the longer-term outlook on the industry as a whole. For example – Carcass weight economic value has increased from €3.89/kg to €4.68/kg.
“One of the core objectives of the ICBF is to secure the future of the Irish suckler herd. Updating these indexes will do just that as it assists suckler farmers to breed animals that will generate a higher profit. ICBF is not in any way trying to drive farmers away from one breed to another. Farmers will be able to continue with the same breed choice after the changes as there are sires across every breed that can allow farmers to breed 4 and 5 star animals”, concluded Sean Coughlan.
ICBF is planning a number of farmer meetings over the coming weeks, beginning with a meeting in Carrick on Shannon on November 28th.
Further information on the upcoming changes can be found on our website
An information webinar was held on Thursday 2nd November in conjunction with Teagasc on the upcoming changes. Watch it back here