Did you know a lot of useful information is available through the ICBF website including information and programme data for your herd in relation to various Animal Health Ireland (AHI) programmes. These include BVD, Johne’s Disease and Beef HealthCheck with more currently under development.

To gain access to the dashboards, simply login to your ICBF account. If you have forgotten your password, text the word PASS to 089 4577663 or alternatively, you can contact the HerdPlus office on 023-8820452 or email [email protected]. Once you have logged in to the ICBF website, you will see a menu bar running along the top of the screen. To access the various dashboards, select SERVICES then select AHI ANIMAL HEALTH from the dropdown menu. Here you will see the various AHI programmes that are available.

The BVD dashboard provides access to all your BVD test results including, a summary of the entire herd by status and an archive of all letters issued to you over the course of the BVD eradication programme. The BVD dashboard also provides you with a series of additional options. These are particularly useful for herd investigations that are carried out by a veterinary practitioner, following BVD positive test results. They include purchase history, contiguous herds (details of the total number of herds with which the infected herd shared a common boundary with), and an investigate function (useful to determine when infection occurs). This screen gives access to a family tree function showing the ancestors or descendants of a given animal by sex, date of birth, date of death, and status.

This dashboard is also easily accessible on your mobile phone which is convenient, especially if you need to check BVD results quickly. For further information click here or contact the  AHI BVD Helpdesk on 076 1064590.

The Johne’s disease dashboard allows herdowners who are registered in the Irish Johne’s Control Programme (IJCP) to access and use their herd’s Johne’s disease screens. The Johne’s disease screen presents the herd’s history for Johne’s disease (JD) testing and Veterinary Risk Assessment Management Plans (VRAMPs). This information is vital for
monitoring and planning the programme activities while the test results for all animals tested will assist you in the management and control of the disease in your herd. For more information about the IJCP click here.

The Beef HealthCheck dashboard, this dashboard has summary graphs of both liver and lung scores from all cattle slaughtered from your herd in the current year. Individual animal information is also available. Where evidence of liver or lung damage is found, you are advised to contact your veterinary practitioner to discuss future parasite control plans. For further information about the Beef HealthCheck programme click here. 

It is also possible to share access to your dashboards with your veterinary practitioner. This information allows your veterinary practitioner to assist and work with you on the management of your herd health. To give permission, select ADMIN in the toolbar. From the drop-down list, select CHANGE DATA PERMISSIONS. The webpage that appears offers you the option to give permissions to several service providers including VETERINARY SERVICE. Click on VETERINARY SERVICE and select your veterinary practice from the drop-down list. Alternatively, your veterinary practitioner can print an authorisation form from the ICBF website for you to sign.

If you require support in accessing these screens, please contact the HerdPlus office on 023-8820452 or [email protected].

For more information on AHI programmes and access to useful guides and videos click here.