The latest 5 Year Trend Report is now available for all HerdPlus Dairy farmers. This new report allows you to assess the genetic gain and breeding performance of your dairy herd over the last five years on the Economic Breeding Index (EBI) and six other Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) listed below.
1. Herd Calving Interval
2. Six- week Calving Rate
3. Heifers Calved at 22-26 Months
4. Average Lactations (cows in the herd)
5. Co-Op Average Fat & Protein kgs
6. Co-Op Average SCC
As well as assessing you herds own performance, the report allows you to benchmark your herd against the national average and top 10% of dairy herds for each KPI.
The aim of this report is to illustrate the improvements that are being made at national level and highlight the positive impact that genetics is having on the national dairy herd. While improvements in the EBI are of economic benefit to Irish dairy farmers, it is also contributing to a reduction of the carbon footprint which benefits all.
Below is a guide on how to access this new report.
1. Go to and login to your HerdPlus account using your username and password.
2. Go to the reports dropdown menu and click on all reports
3. Click on ‘General’ and then select ‘5 Year Trend Report”
4. Click on the most recent date for the most recently generated report.
To aid with comparison between years, the genetic indexes are based on the number of dairy cows in your herd on the 30th June each year. The genetic indexes for all years are calculated from the January 2022 evaluation. The Calving and Co-op KPI’s are sourced directly from the HerdPlus Calving and Co-op performance reports respectively.
If you have any questions, or if you have any comments or feedback, please contact HerdPlus on 023-8820452 or email [email protected].