ICBF wins Smart Technology Innovation award

ICBF has been presented with the ‘Smart Technology Innovation’ award at this year’s Leader’s Awards. The Leader’s Awards is an annual event that recognises achievement, innovation, and commitment to the tech sector in the southwest region. From global multinationals to schools and start-ups, the awards recognise those who have delivered outstanding results in the use of technology in their respective organisations and businesses. (more…)

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Beef Sector Efficiency Programmes Time Running Out to Record Weights

The Beef Sector Efficiency Programmes include the Beef Environmental Efficiency Programme Sucklers (BEEP-S) and the Dairy Beef Calf Programme.  The closing date for completion of the weighing is fast approaching in both schemes as 5:30 on Tuesday November 1st is the deadline for having weights recorded onto the ICBF database. (more…)

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Genotyped 4/5-Star female Sales

ICBF in collaboration with DAFM and ICOS are coordinating BDGP eligible female sales in marts thoughout September and October. These females will be genotyped 4/5-star and born on/before 30th June 2021. If purchased, they will immediately be counted towards your herd’s 31st Oct target once moved into your herd number. (more…)

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