New Rules Relating to the Linear Scoring of Pedigree Animals
The age range for Linear Scoring is now 250 to 365 days.
All eligible animals (male and female) must be weighed and scored on the day.
For herds on 1 linear scoring visit per year, all pedigree animals from birth to 250 days must be weighed on the day of scoring by the linear scorer and all pedigree animalsfrom 250 to 365 days must be weighed and scored
For herds on more than 1 linear scoring visit per year, all pedigree animals from birth to 250 days must be weighed on the day of scoring by the linear scorer on at least one of the visits and all pedigree animals from 250 to 365 days must be weighed and scored.
Genetic Evaluation Changes
From 14th January 2013 onwards, linear scores on animals will be omitted from genetic evaluations if all eligible animals are not presented on the day.
The “Group of 5 Rule” has been removed. All animals scored in groups of less than 5 before the 14th January 2013 will be included in evaluations.
Crossbred animals will no longer be compared with pedigree animals in the same contemporary groups.
Males and females will be compared in separate contemporary groups.
Animals born by Embryo transfer and show animals (identified via AIM database) will be treated in separate contemporary groups.
The Herd Data Quality Index (HDQI) will also be used to evaluate herds for inclusion in genetic evaluations when development work is completed.