ICBF is now publishing a file during each evaluation highlighting the count of records included in the latest evaluation including the number of new records added between each evaluation.
The file published this week highlights the number of records included from 18 different record classifications across 69 individual traits that make up the dairy and beef animal evaluations.
On the dairy side there are some 537,406 additional milk production records added to the January evaluation, an addition of 1.4% extra records bringing total milk production records to 39,857,877. Calving Interval added an additional 21,886 records to this evaluation while Lameness and Mastitis seen additions of 36,905 and 39,012 respectively.
In terms of beef records, there are some 70,407 additional cow live weights and some 54,213 additional maternal weaning weights added to the January evaluation, an addition of 4.4% extra records to both traits bringing total records to 1,585,897 and 1,235,089 respectively for these traits. This highlights the massive impact that BEEP-S has had on the industry. These extra records are and will continue to have a big impact in increasing the reliability of the genetic evaluations. Beef Calving Interval added an additional 31,153 records to this evaluation.
Genomics saw some 13,945 added for this evaluation bringing the total number of genotypes included in the latest evaluation to 2,216,523.
This file is available to view under ‘Genetic Evaluations’ on both ‘Dairy EBI‘ and ‘Beef Eurostar‘ pages