ICBF and the programme partners are now selling 10 G€N€ IR€LAND AI bulls that have met their target semen requirement. These bulls have been selected based on their replacement index. Full €uro-Star details and pictures of the bulls can be found by clicking below.
If you are interested in purchasing one of these bulls, please contact Ciaran Costello on 045 520796 to arrange a viewing. Purchasing will be by a tender process, with all tenders to be submitted in writing to Francis Kearney, ICBF, Highfield House, Bandon, Co Cork by Friday, 6th November at 5pm.
A minimum reserve price of €2,500 has been placed on each bull.
CH2159 – Bondi Jacob €uro-Stars
HE2147 – Allowdale Rambo 415 €uro-Stars
HE2148 – Ballyaville Hamlet €uro-Stars
LM2150 – Castleview Imaginable €uro-Stars
LM2151 – Ballygarvan Stud Ike €uro-Stars
LM2156 – Clonark Jumbo €uro-Stars
PI2157 – Kilree Leo €uro-Stars
SI2158 – Seepa Fionn €uro-Stars
AA2063 – Mogeely Evitas N266 €uro-Stars