The following is the full report on the 1977/78 performance test results for Blonde d’Aquitaine, Limousin and Simmental pedigree bulls in Tully. The Limousin AI Sire ‘Kilfrush Lance’ (KHL) who stood at the ‘Dublin District Milk Board’ was in this intake.
This intake included 7 Blonde d’Aquintaine, 6 Limousin and 10 Simmental bulls which were tested at Tully during 1977 – 1978. The bulls entered the test station in May 1977. The bulls were selected for entry on the basis of weight for age, conformation and pedigree from herds participating in the Department’s On-farm weight recording scheme at the time. The bulls were approximately 200 days of age when they entered the test station.

The bulls were evaluated under unifrom conditions of feeding and management. Each bull was penned indicidually and fed to appetite three times a day. The diet consisted of equal parts of rolled barley amd unmilled grass, combined together in a single cube with the required minerals and vitamins. A limited quantity of hay (approximately 4 pounds per day) was fed to each bull to help rumination.