ICBF participates in a number of international activities relevant to cattle breeding. These include:

  • Membership of ICAR – the International Committee of Animal Recording. This organisation plays a major role in establishing guidelines for animal recording and provides a range of services including:
    • The Patenting and Sentinel Action Service – website providing information related to patents relevant to animal breeding organisations.
    • A recording devices testing and certification service under the guidance of itsRecording Devices Sub-Committee.
    • A milk testing laboratory service under the guidance of its Milk Testing Laboratories Sub-Committee.
    • ICAR’s newsletter is available here.
    • The 2013 ICAR Technical Workshop will be held in Aarhus, Denmark from 29th to 31st May 2013 and further details can be found here.
    • The 2014 ICAR and Interbull Biennial Conference will be held in Berlin, Germany from 19th to 23rd May 2014 following the IDF/ISO Analytical Week on 15th to 20th May 2014.  Further details can be found here.
    • Ireland hosted the 2012 session of Interbull and ICAR from Monday 28th May to Friday 1st June. Further information and links to copies of presentations can be found here
    • Copies of presentations at previous meetings in Niagara (2008) can be found here, and in Riga (2010) can be found here.
  • Membership of Interbull – a sub-committee of ICAR that provides international genetic evaluation service for cattle.
  • Membership of the Interbeef Working Group of ICAR. Brian Wickham is Chairperson of this group which is charged with the task of developing a prototype international evaluation service for the beef breeds and traits.
  • Membership of EFFAB – an independent European forum of farm animal reproduction and selection organisations in cattle and other species.
  • Regular participation in the World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production – The next meeting will be in Vancouver in 2014. The most recent meeting was in 2010 in Germany.
  • Regular participation in the meetings of EAAP – the European Association of Animal Production. The 62nd Annual Meeting of EAAP took place in Stavanger, Norway.  The next meeting will be 27-31 August 2012 in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
  • ICBF is a partner in OptiMIR, an Interreg funded project.


20th September 2011