Gene Ireland Beef Program Launched
The 2013 Gene Ireland Beef program has just been launched, with over 2,000 catalogues been posted to suckler herds.This initiative is aimed at improving the quality of our National suckler herd. (more…)
The 2013 Gene Ireland Beef program has just been launched, with over 2,000 catalogues been posted to suckler herds.This initiative is aimed at improving the quality of our National suckler herd. (more…)
Following last week’s release of the HerdPlus® Dairy Calving reports, ICBF can report further improvement has taken place in the fertility performance of the national dairy herd,with the average calving interval having improved by 3 days (more…)
The Gene Ireland maternal beef breeding program is starting to purchase bulls, which is a major step forward for Irish beef breeding. A total of 20-25 bulls are expected to be purchased over the next number of weeks, with semen then available from these bulls for the 2014 program. (more…)
“Some bulls had 20% of their calves infected with BVD, whilst other bulls had 0% calves infected with BVD. Why is this?” This was the question posed by Dr Donagh Berry, Teagasc, at last week’s ICBF beef and dairy industry meeting in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise. (more…)
Welcome to the updated ICBF web site. Here is some brief information that might help you find your way. (more…)
In 2012, ICBF completed a major review of its beef Gene Ireland (GI) program. One of the key outcomes from the review was the need to increase the number of beef bulls being progeny tested on an annual basis. (more…)
ICBF, Teagasc and partner AI companies (Dovea Genetics, Munster Cattle Breeding and Progressive Genetics) undertook a major field research trial this Spring, to evaluate the potential benefits of sexed semen under commercial Irish conditions. (more…)
A few pictures showing ICBFs participation at this years Moorepark Open Day, Wednesday, 3rd July.
The latest calving stats show over 14,500 extra dairy calves on the ground this year. The number of dairy heifers entering…